Jul 25, 2010

The Scientifically Perfect Handshake

Lifehacker had an interesting article on handshakes....As usual, the comments were more entertaining than the article... First the meat of the article....
Researchers at the University of Manchester in England have turned their attention to uncovering the perfect handshake:

1) right hand
2) a complete grip
3) and a firm squeeze (but not too strong)
4) in a mid-point position between yourself and the other person
5) a cool and dry palm,
6) approximately three shakes,
7) with a medium level of vigor,
8) held for no longer than two to three seconds,
9) with eye contact kept throughout and
10) a good natural smile
11) with a slow offset
12) with, of course, an appropriate accompanying verbal statement.

Oddly enough, its almost the same formula for someone at a urinal...
So, no deductions if I whip it out? AWESOME!!! yes. I've been drinking..

                                                       I find that this always does the trick...
Isn't this entirely culture-specific? I've been in the middle east and south-east asia, where handshakes are completely different - very limp, a shake or two, but then the grip can last upwards of 30 seconds. I've had short conversations before the hand release. Very awkward for a westerner the first few times. I've gotten used to it, but I still don't like it. It is fun to demonstrate to other people, and see them start getting very antsy :)My point is that its very culture-dependent. 
Cartoon site "The Oatmeal" has a nice overview of "The 9 Types of Crappy Handshakes": HANDSHAKES

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