Jul 23, 2010

Inception Hurts Your Head

Let me start off by saying I love movies that ask you to think...  But I also am partial to movies that have a narrator chime in occasionally, to reinforce what I think I just saw.... Inception... well.... needs continuous narration, from the very first frame.... to the VERY LAST. I give it an 8 out of 10. I love every movie Ellen Page has made, and most of Leo's....I immediately glossed the movie as "The Matrix meets James Bond." and apparently so did a few other critics... The visuals are worth the ever-increasing price of admission alone... At my thater, it showed on the former IMAX screen, and they charged $12... Damn....Add popcorn/diet coke, and we're at $26.... this had BETTER be a good movie..... I hated the first bombastic 10 minutes of the film, as it doesn't put it's big toe into the cinematic water... It does a freaking cannonball, splashing all kinds of plot and narrative over you while you're still reaching for your popcorn.... After awhile the film does let you in on the idea: What if you can get 7 or 8 people together to simultaneously share one dream? And what if you put one person in charge of "building" the very grounds, and buildings you will visit in this dream? And what if you wanted to take advantage of one of the other people in this same dream? And what if it took you 3 or more levels of dreaming to get it done?.... Go enjoy this movie, and quit reading now... No way can ANYONE sum it up.. It's good. Not perfect, but good. Comment below with your rating....

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