Sep 25, 2007

If Women Ruled the World

A contest for photoshop enthusiasts...
A few more great entries can be seen here.

Sep 18, 2007

Nobody's Watching: The TV Pilot

Earlier, I've posted funny clips from the comedy team, Derek and Will, and the Producers of Scrubs and The Family Guy. Remember The Diet Coke and Mentos comedy clip, and the Lost parody... These guys are quite good. They did a pilot for the WB in 2005 that the suits were too dumb to comprehend, and it didn't get picked up. It's split into 3 segs on YouTube, it's rated 4.5 out of 5 stars, and has over 500,000 views...
Be 500,001 here.
The story behind the show is HERE. Very interesting notes about how future TV shows might debut on the internet FIRST, before primetime...

Fun With Pigeons

The Scarecrow... pest repellent.. $69 online.

Humane, Hilarious Bird Sprinkler Saves Hot Tubs

Anyone with a hot-tub, that occasionally gets nailed by the bounty of nature, will appreciate this funny solution to bird crap. It's called the Scarecrow... available online.
($69) Video at Vidmeister

Review: Prison Break Season 3 Premiere

When we last saw our misunderstood heroes, they were surrendering to Panamanian authorities in a jungle, after having to shoot the asian g-man who had that permanent smug smile on his face wiped off by a 32 calibur slug.
Little Question: How did the spook find Michael Scofield and Company after being shot in the warehouse at the end of season 2?
Bigger Question: Why is the show going all "Lost" on us, introducing a plot-line where Michael has to bust some secret prisoner out of the Sona prison, or watch his paramour Sarah Tancretti parish on a Rokr? Why, why, why? The execs (i.e. Brett Ratner) are over-thinking this one, and needlessly introducing a stupid plotline... Its not enough that Michael is interred at a prison that rivals the Turkish nightmare of Midnight Express, we have to have US Agents DEPENDING on him being there....
Very sketchy opening episode.... shades of implausibility approaching the level of 24 Day 6....

3D Motion Portrait Animates Still Photos

Mildly creepy, mildy amazing... A company has invented software that can take a single photograph, and 'animate' it for a variety of uses... observe:

via (Gizmodo)

Sep 17, 2007

The Big Bang Theory: Very Funny New Show

My review of the show is Here.
Takes me back to my college days, where I knew EVERY ONE of the characters
on this show, especially the blonde... Hello Debbie's wherever you are..

Amazon Unbox Free Preview Episode of the Pilot is HERE.

My review of Prison Break's:
3rd Season Premiere HERE.

Review: The Big Bang Theory

Overuse of the laugh track underscores just how insecure the Producers of the new CBS comedy "The Big Bang Theory" are. Just like their two lead characters, the producers don't know just how funny their show is to people who would likely watch it, thus undermining their own demographical research, and negating their original hypothesis about its odds of reaching a suitable mass viewership.

In other words, the show is very funny, very charming, not really suitable for anyone under 14, or over 44, not because of all the sex jokes, but because of the dialogue...
It takes me back to my days at Williams Village, at Univ. of Colorado, in 1980, when I was a roommate to 2 electrical engineers, a chemical engineer and good friends with 2 more, The Big Bang Theory wisely stays true to its nerdiness, not dumbing down the dialogue to let the ignorant American's figure out what they're saying... It's almost a foreign language to anyone who has an IQ below 100, and that's fine with me.
I give the show a 9 out of 10, deducting points only for the condescending overuse of the laugh-track. Listen suits, smart people don't need to be told what is funny.
This show is available for FREE PREVIEW on Amazon Unbox right now.

Tech: Unlimited Cell Time ** Comes To Denver

Sprint customers can ..
"Talk all they want while in their homes, without worrying about using their wireless minutes. Unlimited incoming and outgoing calls and nationwide long distance are included while using a Sprint phone at home." DETAILS HERE.
a Linux Live CD is one of the best ways to boot up a dead PC and access its disks. Here's how to rescue files from a dead PC's hard drive with the Knoppix Live CD and here's how to partition and image your hard drive with the System Recovery CD. A Lifesaver, if the dreaded day ever comes...

Sep 16, 2007

3 Great Actors Get Their Due

Best supporting actress, comedy series

Jaime Pressly, My Name Is Earl
NBC - "Oh, snap! She won!!."

Best supporting actor, comedy series

Jeremy Piven, Entourage
HBO - Powerfully funny as Ari Gold.

Best supporting actor, drama series

Terry O'Quinn, Lost
ABC - He makes the show......

Good News Items

Good News:
Illinois High School Bans Suggestive High School Dancing (Juking)
Colorado Judge Forces Loud Rap Music Listeners to Listen To Barry Manilow
85 Yr. Old Woman Chases down Purse Snatcher, has him arrested.

Sep 13, 2007

Fall 2007 Network TV Grid

My invalueable resource for Couch-Potato time, EPGUIDES.COM, has this falls listing of what shows will air when, so you can weep uncontollably that you don't have a dual-tuner Tivo figure out which shows you MUST see, and which ones you'll just have to pass by. The season "starts" next Monday. Make sure you try Kid Nation, Back To You, Prison Break, Reaper and Survivor: China, all premiering next week. Heroes premieres the 24th.

Sep 12, 2007

The Worst Career Advice Parents Can Offer

The full article, an interesting one,... is HERE...

An interesting Flash-based "Quiz" will help you determine your "REAL AGE."
It is here...

Damn Internet: This Is What I'm Up Against- Car Buying Coaches

This guy would be my worst freakin' nightmare...
If I saw him roll up, I'd have to flip him (hand him off) to a newbie.

Sep 11, 2007

Fall TV Season Preview Shows Promise

TV Week has a sampler allowing you to figure out which (IF ANY) of the shows you want to Season Pass on the TIVO.
My early favorites, based on the clips and the vibe:
The Sarah Conner Chronicles - Based on Terminator 2 - Fox

Chuck - NBC - Spy comedy ... Geek twist on Alias/My Name is Earl.
Samantha Who - ABC - Christina Applegate gets amnesia.
The Big Bang Theory - CBS - Nerds living with hottie
Aliens in America - Fox - Pakistani exchange student visits America.
All 4 are comedies, and look promising...

Reaper - The CW - (Dead Like Me by Kevin Smith)

Pushing Daisies - ABC - Quirky, and visually amazing.
Private Practice - ABC - Good cast.
Back To You - Fox - Kelsey Grammer and Patricia Heaton Comedy

Thursday, Friday and Saturday? Nothing worth a damn appears to be out there.....

Daily Variety Magazine, the industry bible has a blog that did the same thing I did, but watched entire fall episodes... their picks and misses are HERE....
Of course, they largely agree with mwahh.

Sep 8, 2007

The Holy Grail Named Best British Film of All Time

In an and IMDB poll of 7,000 brit respondents,
the Grail won with a whopping 25% of the total vote.

1. Monty Python's Holy Grail
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Trainspotting
4. Lawrence of Arabia
5. The Third Man
6. Shakespeare In Love
7. Monty Python's Life of Brian
8. The Bridge On The River Kwai
9. Sense and Sensibility
10.Love Actually

Time's List of 100 Best TV Shows Of All Time

Is YOUR FAVORITE on the list?

My Top 10 would include:
Battlestar Galactica
Twin Peaks
Gilligan's Island
Bugs Bunny Cartoon Hour

(Pictured Above, Seth Bullock-Deadwood)

Sep 7, 2007

What Happens When Bees Invade? Fireballs!

Pretty cool photo montage of a guy who took matters into his own hands when his swingset was overrun by bees....
The picture set is HERE...

Sep 1, 2007

Stream Of Consciousness Sept. 1

Hotter than Hades today... 108 in da shade... Spent all day inside in full retreat from the unrelenting global warming... I read that Hollywood attributes this summer's good box office to global warming... Good Gawd... they have no shame... Just heard Britney's "Comeback Song": It's called "Gimme More." I say, Gimme less of it... infantile repetitive nonsense from the bald one. At the opposite end of the spectrum, newer stuff from Collective Soul comes out tomorrow, featuring the single, "Hollywood.." Catchy little dittie.. I heard it live on Jay Leno.... I'm running out of room at the house for the stuff I had at Advanced Video... equipment that I didn't include in the SALE... Oh, I didn't announce that? Sorry. Yeah. Sold. Done-O-Rama... The Big 8-6. I don't miss it yet,.. Not likely to any time soon... Steven went to his first dance, and it was of course, a bit of a snooze... 7th grade dances don't exactly set the standard in entertainment,.,,.. Damn Mexican trucks are a comin... I'm warning you, someone's gonna get killed by some idiot taking his siesta behind the wheel...... I'd like to have a Halloween costume this year from the Holy Grail... I wonder where I'd find that garb... It's looking pretty good for a Sept. start at Valencia Lexus.,.. US Auto sales are at ten year lows, so I'm not gonna try to sell Saturn or Ford.... I hear gas might go down below $2.00 a gallon in CALIFORNIA by Xmas.... WHY????? I put the dog picture up for no good reason... I will start adding my own videos soon, as Blogger now allows direct video posting (No Youtude nonsense)......
Have a good Labor Day!