Apr 13, 2007

Battlestar Galactica N Underbellies

I've updated my Netflix Queue to send me nothing but Battlestar Galactica series discs,
so i can get caught up with the series.. I'm still in season 1, and they're in 3.. Can't quite put my finger on what it is that is so irresistable about the show.... hmm... if you know, tell me... I'm curious...
One thing is for sure, this.. is NOT your father's Battlestar Galactica. There is a Marathon coming up on SCI-FI Channel May 16-17-18 on Season 3, for those who aren't purists about seeing it from the start... If you do, at least rent the MINISERIES first, and then watch the show... Season 4 starts... alas, in January 08.
Caught the Series Premiere of Notes From The Underbelly last night. Cute, funny, sharp zippy dialog, very similar to Studio 60... With a touch of pathos, like the vintage thirtysomething, of the 90's.... My client, Rachael Harris, plays the semi-slutty divorce attorney, Cooper. It moves to Wednesdays next week... Lost is filling in a LOT of blanks, finally after 2 seasons of stringing us along.. I finally know what the Other's reason was for being on that damn island.. Pregnancy and cancer research. The King Of Queens is down to its final five episodes.. It never won the Emmy for best comedy, but it should have...

Rachael Harris, above.

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