Mar 11, 2007

PLEASE watch this video.

If you've seen Al Gore's flick, and got all freaked out, then you owe it to yourself to view the OTHER MOVIE, that shows what I feel is the REAL truth.For Cryin-Out-Loud, PATRICK MOORE, the CO-FOUNDER of GREENPEACE, says Global Warming is an unproven theory that has been taken hostage by liberal extremists...

Moore calls global warming the "most difficult issue facing the scientific community today in terms of being able to actually predict with any kind of accuracy what's going to happen"[6]. While acknowledging that the increase of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is caused by human consumption of fossil fuels, he claims that as of 2006, it cannot be fully proven that this is the reason the Earth has been warming since 1980.[citation needed] He stresses that it is scientific evidence, not consensus opinion, that would prove or disprove this relation.

"It's become so complicated, there's so much snake oil around the whole subject... the best comment that was ever made was by Michael Crichton in his book State of Fear: 'I am certain there is too much certainty in the world'. And I am certain that he is right."[6]
...There's too much money being made by people telling us we're all goin' underwater. You'll feel much better about the globe after watching the video, but a bit angrier at humans...Remember the SCIENTISTS telling us Y2K COULD be the end of the world as we knew it? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... shame on me.

1 comment:

QuantumMechanic said...


I get to be the first comment. Watched half last night, just finished 2nd half.

Same old thing, I agree, but man we're fighting Al Gore - scientist extraordinaire. What to do?