Mar 27, 2007

TiVo Rolls Out Video and Photo Sharing Service

Now I can FINALLY rules the airwaves,... bwa ha ha ha ha!!! I can create scads of useless, silly one video per week of something interesting to me and my non-existent growing loyal audience, and put it out there. You can receive the content on your TIVO. If you want all the stuff I create, you can get a SEASON PASS to my content.. Please don't ask for disc two of Girls Gone Wild, I'm not quite... done with it.

Click HERE for the FULL SCOOP on sharing photos and video with Tivo simplicity,

1 comment:

QuantumMechanic said...

Hey hoser, is it going to work with my ~3 or 4 year old tivo?
Gdamn, gdamn, gdamn it all anyways...

..clark - one of your non-existant readers...