Took the day off from work today, and caught a little more of the overkill that is Britney.
The most comical visual is of a reporter on Fox 11 News doing a live shot outside Esthers Haircutting Studio at 8 am in the rain, 3 days after the buzz... Esther doesn't even go into her shop on Monday, OR TUESDAY... I wonder how long they'll keep after her... 75 messages on their answering machine. I remember how quick everything seems to move, when the media hunt you. Back in 1997, when I was to be called as an expert witness in the OJ Simpson trial, (the defense team used me for video dubs, and were doing shenanigans with the footage at trial..)
I had Dateline and 20/20 interviewing me... Not so easy to sound coherent with lights in your face. Later that day, the Oklahoma City bombings hit, and my story was dropped like a hot potato... I think Esther would like that to happen too..
Lots of misinformation and typical human greediness (all you dirtbags saying you snatched her hair up off the ground, ought to be ashamed of yourselves...) abounds in the aftermath.
One blogging site has some correct information, as listed below with the red text showing falsehoods..
".....However, the fact that video of the shearing is available on the net is not the only thing available to web surfers. Because now the pop-princess's lopped-off locks are available on eBay. (eBay took their auction down because they said it couldn't be verified.. fine. Why let eBay have any of the proceeds anyway?) Yes, fans can purchase the shaved locks, as well as a leftover Red Bull energy drink and the blue Bic lighter Spears supposedly left behind at the salon.
One can have it all for the tidy sum of one million bucks. Esther Tognozzi, owner of Esther's Haircutting Studio in Tarzana, California, is marketing the locks although she and her husband JT Tognozzi admit they have no idea why Spears chose their establishment.
However, the entrepreneurial couple certainly recognized a good thing when they saw it. The Tognozzi's indicated they were already closed for the night when Spears arrived with her bodyguard.
They were also quick to insist that they are the only ones to have the true tresses of Spears dark hair available for sale. According to the co-owners, all other eBay offers are simply not authentic.
Indeed, wistful hair-acquiring bloggers have noted their searches list many Spears locks for sale, even blonde locks (wrong color) are available. Of course, one other site insists that an employee for the Tognozzi's actually snatched the hair after cutting and therefore he is the one, not the Tognozzi's, with the authentic hair ball.
(B.S.... Esther has no male employees at her HAIR SALON. They do have a friend of the family helping them set up a website to sell it themselves... )
and THIS.. from another site...
".....He (Jan) said some proceeds from the sale would go to charity, possibly including the Florida-based Locks of Love, which supplies wigs to kids with cancer.
The Tognozzis say the decadent diva's thick pile of dark tresses and extensions is the only authentic Spears hair on eBay, despite dozens of competing claims.
A quick search of "Britney Spears hair" turns up a slew of enterprising copycats - offering everything from a $US3,000 ($3815) lock of dark hair from a seller in Ohio to a $US90,300 ($114,850) blond tuft - the wrong color.
Canadian web developer Hazim Gaber asked for upwards of $US1 million for hair he claims his employee snatched off the salon floor. He even promised to release a web video as proof of authenticity. (I think he's perilously close to lawsuit territory for fraud.. Esther has never heard of him.)
But Tognozzi said the only people in the shop during the incident were his wife, her assistant, Spears and the singer's bodyguard. (ABSOLUTELY TRUE.. I've been there dozens of times, and at 7 pm, no one is around... That's probably why she went there...)
All the doors were locked and the shop was already closed for the night when Spears arrived, he said. "It's pretty crazy, all the frauds and stuff that's out there," Tognozzi said, adding that he would be surprised if anyone fell for them. "They're not even in our state." (Seriously... what the hell would a guy from Canada know about any of this?)
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