What a small, small world after all.. That story about Britney going and getting her head shaved? She did it at my Sister-In-Law Esther's Haircutting Studio... She walked in, and asked Esther to shave her head... Esther replied "No.. I can't do that.." She repeated the request... Esther again said no. So SHE GRABBED her razor, and just went ROTC on herself... I haven't seen the pictures, but I'm told it was quite the scene... Many people have been calling Esther and asking her about the hair...
She still has it.
Then Britney went to a tattoo parlor, and according to news reports......
"The employee told US Magazine that Spears was agitated when she arrived at the tattoo parlor and that when someone asked her why she shaved her head, Spears said, "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everybody touching me."The woman said Spears "wasn't making sense at all" and that it seemed like she wasn't in a good place. She said Spears was "totally freaking out."
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