Feb 25, 2007
Musings on Everything Else
The Mega-Millions Jackpot is up to a cool quarter Billion dollars, if you're into that sorta thang...
Steven's record at QB soars to 2-1, now that his team is playing against other teams of similar age and weight... 0-3 vs. seemingly steroid enhanced-freak-show droids who live-sleep-eat drink football more than he does...
Anyone know why my dog picks up his kibble, ONE DAMN PIECE AT A TIME, carries it 12 feet away, to the carpet, and eats it there, and returns to his bowl to repeat the process?
Anyone know/care why Studio 60 was bumped for some lame-ass looking Sopranos wanna-be about 4 teenage irish mafiosos?
Steven wants a helicopter for his birthday.. After a couple of seconds of research, I've decided on the Air Hogs Helix. $59.95...
Apparently we were building our border fence 10 feet south of where our border supposedly is, and the Mexicans were PISSED! How did they know we were ten FEET over the line? We of course, quickly packed up our fence posts, and beat a hasty retreat, quicker than any Frenchie could've... I hang my head in shame daily at this nation...
Feb 23, 2007
Musings on the TV Season
Click here for a cute satire on NBC's 'Heroes'
This is Earth-shattering news: (not really). Not gonna watch Idol this season till the final four..... The judges picked a lot of lousy, lousy singers and passed on many good singers, who were
Lost's episode Weds. night had to be the most boring, pointless ep they've ever done. Jack flashes back on some Indonesian tart he bedded, and got tat's for... He negotiates that blonde lady zookeepers freedom, and Kate and Sawyer piss and moan about whether to go back for Jack... There. I saved you an hour... Overall Rating: 8
I really do like Jericho.. despite the whole gloomy post-nuclear premise.. I'm sure
it'll get yanked by CBS just as it hits it's stride, like ABC did last year, with "Invasion", and NBC did with "Surface". Overall Rating: 9
And as for watching Katie Couric on the CBS evening news? I'd rather do this..
Overall Rating: -1
Monk has been a little predictable this season.. Rating: 7
24 has been good, but not as great as previous seasons... Rating 9.5
Feb 21, 2007
Esther Nationwide
Feb 19, 2007
Media Coverage of Esther and Britney Spears gets B for accuracy..
Took the day off from work today, and caught a little more of the overkill that is Britney.
The most comical visual is of a reporter on Fox 11 News doing a live shot outside Esthers Haircutting Studio at 8 am in the rain, 3 days after the buzz... Esther doesn't even go into her shop on Monday, OR TUESDAY... I wonder how long they'll keep after her... 75 messages on their answering machine. I remember how quick everything seems to move, when the media hunt you. Back in 1997, when I was to be called as an expert witness in the OJ Simpson trial, (the defense team used me for video dubs, and were doing shenanigans with the footage at trial..)
I had Dateline and 20/20 interviewing me... Not so easy to sound coherent with lights in your face. Later that day, the Oklahoma City bombings hit, and my story was dropped like a hot potato... I think Esther would like that to happen too..
Lots of misinformation and typical human greediness (all you dirtbags saying you snatched her hair up off the ground, ought to be ashamed of yourselves...) abounds in the aftermath.
One blogging site has some correct information, as listed below with the red text showing falsehoods..
".....However, the fact that video of the shearing is available on the net is not the only thing available to web surfers. Because now the pop-princess's lopped-off locks are available on eBay. (eBay took their auction down because they said it couldn't be verified.. fine. Why let eBay have any of the proceeds anyway?) Yes, fans can purchase the shaved locks, as well as a leftover Red Bull energy drink and the blue Bic lighter Spears supposedly left behind at the salon.
One can have it all for the tidy sum of one million bucks. Esther Tognozzi, owner of Esther's Haircutting Studio in Tarzana, California, is marketing the locks although she and her husband JT Tognozzi admit they have no idea why Spears chose their establishment.
However, the entrepreneurial couple certainly recognized a good thing when they saw it. The Tognozzi's indicated they were already closed for the night when Spears arrived with her bodyguard.
They were also quick to insist that they are the only ones to have the true tresses of Spears dark hair available for sale. According to the co-owners, all other eBay offers are simply not authentic.
Indeed, wistful hair-acquiring bloggers have noted their searches list many Spears locks for sale, even blonde locks (wrong color) are available. Of course, one other site insists that an employee for the Tognozzi's actually snatched the hair after cutting and therefore he is the one, not the Tognozzi's, with the authentic hair ball.
(B.S.... Esther has no male employees at her HAIR SALON. They do have a friend of the family helping them set up a website to sell it themselves... )
and THIS.. from another site...
".....He (Jan) said some proceeds from the sale would go to charity, possibly including the Florida-based Locks of Love, which supplies wigs to kids with cancer.
The Tognozzis say the decadent diva's thick pile of dark tresses and extensions is the only authentic Spears hair on eBay, despite dozens of competing claims.
A quick search of "Britney Spears hair" turns up a slew of enterprising copycats - offering everything from a $US3,000 ($3815) lock of dark hair from a seller in Ohio to a $US90,300 ($114,850) blond tuft - the wrong color.
Canadian web developer Hazim Gaber asked for upwards of $US1 million for hair he claims his employee snatched off the salon floor. He even promised to release a web video as proof of authenticity. (I think he's perilously close to lawsuit territory for fraud.. Esther has never heard of him.)
But Tognozzi said the only people in the shop during the incident were his wife, her assistant, Spears and the singer's bodyguard. (ABSOLUTELY TRUE.. I've been there dozens of times, and at 7 pm, no one is around... That's probably why she went there...)
All the doors were locked and the shop was already closed for the night when Spears arrived, he said. "It's pretty crazy, all the frauds and stuff that's out there," Tognozzi said, adding that he would be surprised if anyone fell for them. "They're not even in our state." (Seriously... what the hell would a guy from Canada know about any of this?)
Feb 17, 2007
The Day Britney Shaved Her Head At Esthers!
What a small, small world after all.. That story about Britney going and getting her head shaved? She did it at my Sister-In-Law Esther's Haircutting Studio... She walked in, and asked Esther to shave her head... Esther replied "No.. I can't do that.." She repeated the request... Esther again said no. So SHE GRABBED her razor, and just went ROTC on herself... I haven't seen the pictures, but I'm told it was quite the scene... Many people have been calling Esther and asking her about the hair...
She still has it.
Then Britney went to a tattoo parlor, and according to news reports......
"The employee told US Magazine that Spears was agitated when she arrived at the tattoo parlor and that when someone asked her why she shaved her head, Spears said, "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everybody touching me."The woman said Spears "wasn't making sense at all" and that it seemed like she wasn't in a good place. She said Spears was "totally freaking out."
Feb 14, 2007
Global Warming, Global Shwarming
Now, in The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Global Warming and Environmentalism, Christopher C. Horner tears the cover off the Left's manipulation of environmental issues for political and BUSINESS purposes (There's a lot of money being made telling us how bad it all will get... For instance, Paramounts biggest grossing film of last year was Al Gores....)
--and lays out killer evidence for the fact that catastrophic man-made global warming is just more Chicken-Little hysteria, not actual science. . It's the ideal scare campaign for those who hate capitalism and love big government.
For instance, he notes... if EVERY SINGLE NATION, INCLUDING THE U.S. ... followed the mandate of the Kyoto Protocols, (which many member nations are purposefully violating) we could slow down the earth's temperature rise .07 of ONE DEGREE... at a cost to Americans, of about 4% of Gross Domestic Product.... the Iraq War cost 1/2 of 1% of GDP......
On August 31, 2006,
California Legislature reached an agreement with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to reduce the state's greenhouse-gas emissions, which rank at 12th-largest in the world, by 25 percent by the year 2020. This resulted in the Global Warming Solutions Act which effectively puts California in line with the Kyoto initiative.
As of January 18, 2007, 369 US cities in 50 states, representing more than 55 million Americans support Kyoto after Mayor Greg Nickels of Seattle started a nationwide effort to get cities to agree to the protocol.
- Large participating cities: New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, Denver, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Austin, Portland, Providence, Tacoma, San Jose, Salt Lake City, Little Rock, West Palm Beach, Annapolis, Madison, Wisconsin
Feb 6, 2007
Top 10 Super Bowl Ads
Here's a Page Containing the TOP TEN SUPER BOWL ADS, as replayed by TIVO subscribers..
If you missed any, here's your chance to catch up...
Feb 3, 2007
In Time For Mother's Day..
This disturbing image comes to you from eGreetings.com.
They're in the business of making funny, risque, animated birthday eCards, Valentine eCards and other occasions.. they can be personalized with a message and pictures, and scheduled far in advance....
Feb 1, 2007
20 Ways To Ruin A First Date
20 Ways to Ruin A First Date:
How To Get Back At An Ex-Girlfriend
20 Ways To Ruin A First Date
My suggestions to Mess with first dates.
1. Fill pants with mulch, let a little fall out from time to time, whisper, "Oh no, it's happening again."
2. Upon meeting him/her, scrape finger across his/her shoulder, taste and say, "You'll do."
3. Wear a Members Only jacket, jams, and a Spuds MacKenzie hat. make references to '80's culture as if it were topical, e.g. "Have you seen that new 'Pretty in Pink' movie?"
4. Constantly hint that you are an alien, as in "Reminds me of Zorzootz 4... uh... I mean Venice."
5. (men) Tag on real sardonic "for a girl" to all your compliments, as in, "That skirt looks really nice on you... for a girl."
6. Greet date with gifts: a) a stack of wrestling magazines b) your dirty laundry c) black orchids--the flower of death d) a bag of marbles and a large grouper.
7. Refuse to veer conversation away from Jack-O.
8. Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, come back sopping wet, offer no explanation.
9. Greet date with the classic "Give me five, up high, down low, you're too slow."
10. Repeatedly use the word "milkweed" as an adjective, as in "This has been really milkweed."
11. Boast about your ligament strength.
12. Rub hands together and smile fiendishly as you talk.
13. Two words: male perm.
14. Four words: wear a name tag.
15. Put parmesan cheese in your coffee.
16. In an accusing tone, constantly compare your date unfavorably to Gollum, as in, "Gollum didn't smoke."
17. Attempt to do napkin origami. Fail. Be ruthlessly hard on yourself with "I suck"s and "I'm such a loser!"s.
18. Speak all your statements with an interrogative inflection?
19. Respond at entirely inappropriate times with "Is that a threat or an invitation?" or "Do the math."
20. After successfully cutting meat, exclaim proudly, "I am the shit." Do that "raise the roof" gesture.
Wanna Get Back At Your Ex?
Men, do you wanna get back at your ex? - 41
So she dumped you and found a slightly fey hardbody at 24-Hour Fitness, and now all of a sudden the gal who couldn't give you the time of day is running around town with a half full plastic water bottle, and this sense of urgency that suggests she has better things to do than loiter around with your lame ass. Of course, whenever you happen upon each other at the local Starbucks, she makes a big deal out of showing off her newest acquisition, whether it's the new car Biff just bought her, or the tony tan she got skiing Vale for the 4th time this season. She's all about the glitz and glam bucko, and she's giving it to you good! Makes you feel like crap for chintzing on that Christmas gift, doesn't it? Maybe instead of regifting that crap toaster your ex roomy left you, you should have given her something from Tiffany's or some other extravagant overpriced boutique.
What shall you do? What shall you do? Well for starters, you need yourself a big fat, obnoxious, overbearing bitch. Like me, for instance. Now, now, before you get scared off, think of it, me on your arm, you smiling blissfully into my beady eyes. First thing the bitch is going to wonder is 'hey, what's he doing with that fat skank?'. She may even giggle a bit and point us out to Dirk while they sit chit chatting over their Powerbooks at Cafe Amore.
But soon, very very soon, it will begin to bug her. It will begin to niggle in her brain. Here she is, beauty, brains, and a cute lilting little laugh. A pert little nose and an ass she only has to occasionally think of flexing as she shimmys past the construction crew on the corner. She's got it all.....and you got HER???? What could you possiby see in an old slag like me? I'm no beauty. I laugh like an old mare. But for some reason, you're inexplicably drawn to me. Maybe, she thinks, I'm better than her in bed. Maybe I do that naughty thing that you always wanted to do, but she thought was too nasty.
Suddenly she wonders what I have that she doesn't have? How can a guy like you go out with a gal like me, especially when you recently were going out with her? The poor little twit begins to doubt herself. Wonders if wrinkles really do add character, as she squints in the mirror trying to figure out what she's missing that you're now attracted to in me. She doesn't know why she so jealous of such a hideous lump, but she simply can't figure out what she could be missing that you'd have found in me.
It's not the pretty gals you guys date after you dump your sig other, it's the ugly ones that get on their last nerve.
So you game? Wanna drive her over that last little line of sanity she has toed in the sand?
Call me.