Jun 10, 2007

Steven's 6th Grade Graduation: A Big Deal

Yesterday was quite a day around here at the G household. Steven's graduation was a 2 hour affair, and as a proud parent of an HONOR ROLL student, I enjoyed all of it... Right about now, you're thinking:
"6th Grade Graduation Ceremony? Are you kidding me?" Get a life!"
Well I felt that way too, until I considered that this event is every bit as big as a 12th grade or college graduation.. Here's Why: Steven has been in the same school with the SAME kids for 8 years now.. He will never be with a set of the same kids this long ever again... These kids have known each other since they were 4! That's 2/3 of their short lives.... You better believe this is an emotional event for them.. Of the 50 kids in the 2 classes, only 10 will continue to the Junior High Steven will attend... There were plenty of glassy eyes, including mine... Pictures and video to follow on Tuesday.
Cleaning out the junk drawer of old blog entries, and resurrected two old links that are worth revisiting...

Remember, if you only weant to see STEVEN related stuff, you can SEARCH my blog by keyword at the top of this page, where it says SEARCH BLOG.

Wired Magazine: 42 Things We Don't Know
Funny Junk.com

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