Hotter than Hades today... 108 in da shade... Spent all day inside in full retreat from the unrelenting global warming... I read that Hollywood attributes this summer's good box office to global warming... Good Gawd... they have no shame... Just heard Britney's "Comeback Song": It's called "Gimme More." I say, Gimme less of it... infantile repetitive nonsense from the bald one. At the opposite end of the spectrum, newer stuff from Collective Soul comes out tomorrow, featuring the single, "Hollywood.." Catchy little dittie.. I heard it live on Jay Leno.... I'm running out of room at the house for the stuff I had at Advanced Video... equipment that I didn't include in the SALE... Oh, I didn't announce that? Sorry. Yeah. Sold. Done-O-Rama... The Big 8-6. I don't miss it yet,.. Not likely to any time soon... Steven went to his first dance, and it was of course, a bit of a snooze... 7th grade dances don't exactly set the standard in entertainment,.,,.. Damn Mexican trucks are a comin... I'm warning you, someone's gonna get killed by some idiot taking his siesta behind the wheel...... I'd like to have a Halloween costume this year from the Holy Grail... I wonder where I'd find that garb... It's looking pretty good for a Sept. start at Valencia Lexus.,.. US Auto sales are at ten year lows, so I'm not gonna try to sell Saturn or Ford.... I hear gas might go down below $2.00 a gallon in CALIFORNIA by Xmas.... WHY????? I put the dog picture up for no good reason... I will start adding my own videos soon, as Blogger now allows direct video posting (No Youtude nonsense)......
Have a good Labor Day!
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