Sep 17, 2007

Review: The Big Bang Theory

Overuse of the laugh track underscores just how insecure the Producers of the new CBS comedy "The Big Bang Theory" are. Just like their two lead characters, the producers don't know just how funny their show is to people who would likely watch it, thus undermining their own demographical research, and negating their original hypothesis about its odds of reaching a suitable mass viewership.

In other words, the show is very funny, very charming, not really suitable for anyone under 14, or over 44, not because of all the sex jokes, but because of the dialogue...
It takes me back to my days at Williams Village, at Univ. of Colorado, in 1980, when I was a roommate to 2 electrical engineers, a chemical engineer and good friends with 2 more, The Big Bang Theory wisely stays true to its nerdiness, not dumbing down the dialogue to let the ignorant American's figure out what they're saying... It's almost a foreign language to anyone who has an IQ below 100, and that's fine with me.
I give the show a 9 out of 10, deducting points only for the condescending overuse of the laugh-track. Listen suits, smart people don't need to be told what is funny.
This show is available for FREE PREVIEW on Amazon Unbox right now.

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