Only 5 days to go till the PREMIERE of 24..... Life becomes livable again...
Till then, a nice feature on Kiefer Sutherland appears at Men's Vogue..
I had a fairly uneventful holiday season.... no snow here in SoCal.. Damn Broncos played their way out of the post-season... Wished I could've gone to CES in Vegas.. (Consumer Electronics Show)...
I've been there about three times, all of them with Steve Flack... Couldn't go back there without him.. Just wouldn't be the same..
Steven played his first game of the season in the city Touch Football League, as Quarterback... He did well, though the team's Coach and other players are absolutely raw beginners, and they faced some freakish Powerhouse-Drill Sergeant-led overachievers with wristbands telling them what plays to run... It was like every kid sports movie you've ever seen,,, I felt like Rick Moranis... They lost 33-0.... Steven was NOT pleased...
Hopefully, all the teams aren't like that..
My sister asked for advice on the best way to get VHS into DVD... I've been using the Panasonic DVD recorders for years... dependable and easy.
Useful Site Of The Month:
Rates movies and DVD's in three categories: Sexual Content / Violence / Language
with 3 numbers from 1 to 9, for a quick glance as to the appropriateness of a movie for the kiddies...
2nd Useful Site of the Month:
A place to get real-world reviews of restaurants/services in your area... Hey.. somebody post a nice review of ADVANCED VIDEO there.... I'd be ever so grateful...
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