There's a new website up with some pretty funny stuff, I found out about from
Never was a big Dylan fan till now... Gosh... I wish I could've heard his early renditions
of "Seasons In The Sun," "Let's Get It Started," and "Jump." Oh well...
Unlike the rest of the world, I'm 3% LESS satisfied with this season's initial 4 hours of 24, than last years.... Seems like the same stuff... and how he could steal somebody's car, with a BUILT-IN (1988??) cell phone, and use it to get mapping data of where the terrorists were.... could use some 'splainin... But I will watch,.,
Make sure you don't skip this week's "Scrubs"... Its done Broadway Musical Style... Pure Genius,.,,
Steven's football team will likely go winless this season... Apparently, all the other teams are actually already assembled ( ave played together for a year or two, competitively) tackle teams who are just using this touch football league as an offseason workout/practice... Our team is with absolute beginners (other than Steven).. In 3 games, they've lost 40-0, 33-0 and 40-0 and they haven't even been able to make a first down.... I'm writing a scathing letter to the company running this joke of a league, i9 Sports... to tell them to restructure it...This company is nationwide, and allows teams to be formed BEFORE they actually sign up... No tryouts, no splitting up the teams evenly.... bring any ringers you want... They are really going to turn a lot of kids off to sports forever....
1 comment:
gdamn, gdamn, gdamn it to hell anyways.
What are you a full time blogger now? (cool!)
Re: Stevie & football - one of my observations - close to yours, though we don't have 'national league' issues like you is that we've lost the pickup games. Where the two biggest guys alternate picking players for their team. Wouldn't that be a great league - bunch of kids meet at a scheduled time w/ their equip, and play a pick up game. Everybody plays, no coaches favorites, no parents screaming at coaches, no massive orgainzation efforts Just SPORTS!, healthy kid competition.
I gotta get back to work but keep up the good work.
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