Sep 28, 2013

Joseph Gordon Levitt: Not The Smartest Guy in the Room After All

I am hard pressed to find a dumber movie than "Premium Rush". In JGL' other notable films, he comes off as a smart guy's smart guy, but he evens out his image in the most hackneyed film to hit the screen this decade.
 I won't waste your time or min with a full review with spoilers, but if you believe that a bike messenger can hit 50 mph in NYC, with a police bike officer chasing him with no calls for back up, then you probably enjoy other mindless BS like Gone in 60 secs, or any Vin Diesel movie. An idiotic plot that could all be solved with a single phone call to the cops goes on for 100 minutes. I watched at 2x speed for the final 40, so I only wasted 80 minutes by my calculations. If you understood my math, stay away from this turd!

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