May 18, 2007

Random um...Ramblings

These bricks appear to connect to the top AND bottom of a stack of bricks, without going up or down... (cue spooky music) Yoiks, Skoob!!! Let's get outa here!!

I got a heads-up from a relative saying
THERE IS A SCAM going around, where a man or men, will ask what perfume / cologne you wear and offer you a "similar scent" for much less, and produce a card for you to comparison sniff...
If you do, you'll get woozy and weak, as it IS ETHER. Don't fall for it.
ANN COULTER, On Jerry Falwell:
".......Actually, there was one small item I think Falwell got wrong regarding his statement after 9/11 that "the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians — who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle — the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'"

First of all, I disagreed with that statement because Falwell neglected to specifically include Teddy Kennedy."

If anyone reading this has ANY of these chairs / sofas, please don't invite me over... We just won't get along....

The Popular Science Awards are out this week for new gadgets / inventions...

Steven will be planting trees at the park tomorrow, on ARBOR DAY, to earn community service hours (No, he didn't get a DUI) his school requires 16 hours per school year...

Mercedes builds the WORLD's UGLIEST CAR, based on a tropical fish. Great drag coeeficient of 0.06 which, I read, is close to perfect, alongside a water droplet.

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