Transcript from a recent caller to the Dennis Prager Show:
Caller: I didn’t know if you realized how far this goofiness reached, but I have asthma, and I’m sure you’ve seen people with their little rescue inhalers. Right now, each inhaler is about $15 bucks. I don’t have insurance. I am an uninsured American. So it’s about $15 bucks. They are phasing out these particular inhalers because of these EPA rules, because the propellant that launches the medication down into my lungs is causing such a severe global hazard, that now my medication is going to triple in cost, because they have to use a new kind of propellant or accelerant, because of these new rules and regulations.
Dennis: I consider this to be one of the more important calls in the recent past. You do not realize how the poor will suffer, and I don’t mean Kevin is poor, though I suspect he’s not rich, given that he’s not insured. But you do not realize how…the Ted Turners won’t suffer, the Al Gores won’t suffer. But the middle class will suffer, and the poor, there’s a piece in the Wall Street Journal today about the poor paying more in Mexico for corn tortillas, because of all the ethanol now being extracted by corn, and corn is a staple. You know how idiotic that is? That he will have to triple his expenditure on his asthma inhaler? Do you know how nutty you have to be to believe that asthma inhalers are affecting the temperature of the Earth? The propellant is going into his lungs anyway.
It's this kinda B.S. that will hurt the poor in the world, while letting all the rich people feel better because at 'least they tried to stop global warming." Kyoto will cost 5 times more than the Iraq war and slow down temperature growth less than a tenth of a degree....
By the way, CO2 doesn't cause warming.... Warming Causes CO2......CO2 levels to go up AFTER warming has occurred.Al Gore is 180 .... uh... degrees ass backward on this one... And he knows it.
Another fun fact: 95% of the time in the last billion years, there were NO glaciers ANYWHERE on Earth? If we ignore Kyoto, the ocean will rise about 3.6 millimeters (the thickness of a nickel) this, and every year, for the next century, whether we drive Prius's or Hummers ..... For SMOG REDUCTION, Right On, Prius Drivers!!!
For GW reduction.... (as spoken by Tony Soprano) faget abat it....
If you stack up 1000 nickels, to represent THIS MILLENIUM, people in the year 3007 will have to deal with an ocean that rose 150 inches.. or 12.5 feet. Gore says 20 feet in 50 years.... hmmmmm..
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