Apr 26, 2007

My Windows On The World

You wouldn't believe the stuff I see on a daily basis here at Advanced Video
Right now, on Monitor 1, a guy is taping a girl he met in acting class... I think they just finished bumping uglies, and she's showing him with her finger in her mouth, some other skills she has waiting for him... Big deal, right? Except this guy with the camera is an A-LIST star. Don't ask me to tell who it is... I am ethical...
Over the years, I've transferred footage that easily could've ended up on TMZ.com, but never have.. Starlets having drinking parties with their friends... talking about guys.... performance artists who always end up naked on tape, for no good reason at all... Hunters shooting lions illegally (although I can't prove it, or I'd turn him in) in Africa... Circus footage of elephant mistreatment..
Celebs home movies, the births of their children, their trips to places far and wide... Many days here, all the monitors are filled with people going places I'll never go, doing things I'll probably never do... If I let it, it would really depress me... but usually, I'm just glad I got to see places in the world the same way all the celebs do... They have the same problems with hair dryers in hotels, and forgetting where they left their stuff in the room.. The same dinners out that should be amazing and magical, but end up looking fairly ordinary on tape... Yes, I get to go along for the ride, but many times, I think, if I could choose to be there with them at that moment,.... I'd pass.... except for tape with the girl who is showing the guy her finger.

Apr 25, 2007

Dennis Miller: 5 Questions

Q: Why has your humor taken a turn toward the conservative?

A: They bombed those two buildings, remember? I woke up the next day and had an epiphany. I want our guy to go kill terrorists. It's that simple. People think it's some big shift. I can't believe that a good portion of my country doesn't believe that as well. Not only do they fly planes into buildings, they wire up their own kids to bombs. You could've gone into the bunker with Hitler and Goering and suggested they wire their kids to explode, and they'd have said, "Hey, let's slow down. That's a little crazy."

Q: In a sense, does your career mirror Winston Churchill's notion that if you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at 40, you have no brain?

A: That's exactly the process I've gone through. I'm 53, and I'm a pragmatist. We watched punks blow up our buildings and, what, I'm now supposed to sit around and think about how we wronged the punks? Things get cut and dried as you get older. And what about the people who never, ever change the way they think about things? Those are the people I slide away from at cocktail parties.

Q: You've taken shots at Barbra Streisand for her liberal activism..

A: Barbra Streisand is an ungodly talent, but she went into the (show business) bubble at 16. And she reflects that in all the shallow, typical ways. She has the political beliefs of a sixth-grader.

Q: When it comes to political thought, which authors do you read?

A: I read Charles Krauthammer, Thomas Friedman and Mark Steyn. Personally, I think Krauthammer is a genius.

Q: Handicap the most prominent presidential candidates for the 2008 election:

A: John McCain — I love him and (his service as a Vietnam POW) is one of the most noble, courageous acts ever. But he's 73. I want to see him ride off into the sunset and enjoy the rest of his life.

Rudy Giuliani — That's who I'm voting for. He's a tough guy. And I don't care if he's been married three times.

Barack Obama — Sweet kid. If I were 19 years old, I'd vote for him. But if Michael Corleone was right about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer, he better spot-weld a Clinton to each hip.

Hillary Clinton — She's boring, basically. I read her book last year and she said she had no idea Bill was running around on her. Really? I'm not sure you're smart enough to be my president.

Al Gore — At some point, he'll come riding over the hill like he's the cavalry. But it won't take long for everyone to figure out he's not Forrest Tucker. He's Larry Storch, and he's got his hat on sideways.

Create Your Own Superhero

One for the Kid in all of us: my superhero has orange flames, a killer red and white outfit and a flat-top haircut. He'll kick your butt. or burn it, or something like that..
Make sure you have 10-15 minutes time to do this...It takes awhile with all the choices...SUPERHERO GENERATOR.
It is NOT this Guy..

Apr 20, 2007

Stream Of Consciousness

Boy, it sure must suck to be Alec Baldwin, or his daughter right about now...
I'm going to find out how to block calls on Sona's Cingular phone from some nitwit Mexican girl who says she's selling tamales, and then starts babbling incoherently... (The mexican, not Sona.) I hope Steven can do well on the Presidential Fitness test Monday... You can't really study for that one... I don't think I ever got one of those awards... It is freaking COLD here in L.A. in late April... Miserable windy wet cold...
Anyone know how to help me kick my dogs habit of humping the lawn furniture padding? I'm not gonna be sitting on that Chaise lounge any time soon... "Drive" on FOX is way too convoluted and stupid to invest any more time on... And you thought "Lost" was tricky... Sheepskin slippers really don't keep your feet as warm as you'd think, they start to retain moisture and get your feet colder than if they were bare...
On that note... time to go make the donuts... Have a great weekend.. Here's a gallery of Hot Moms.

Apr 15, 2007

Well That's It Damnit, I'm Officially Old

I looked at this week's charts of Radio & Records, for Alternative Music.
I didn't see a single blasted song I;d heard of, out of 40....
Even on the ever-so-hip Adult Contemporary charts, I only knew 6 songs.
On the CHR (Contemporary Hit Radio) .. ie teen hits, I know 3 songs..
I refuse to listen to any song where the artist credit has the word FEATURING in it..
I MUST wear glasses to see anything on the PC screen...
My sideburns are mostly gray and white.... What the hell happened to me?

Apr 13, 2007

Where the HELL Was THIS Girl When I Was In College?

From Craigslist

Battlestar Galactica N Underbellies

I've updated my Netflix Queue to send me nothing but Battlestar Galactica series discs,
so i can get caught up with the series.. I'm still in season 1, and they're in 3.. Can't quite put my finger on what it is that is so irresistable about the show.... hmm... if you know, tell me... I'm curious...
One thing is for sure, this.. is NOT your father's Battlestar Galactica. There is a Marathon coming up on SCI-FI Channel May 16-17-18 on Season 3, for those who aren't purists about seeing it from the start... If you do, at least rent the MINISERIES first, and then watch the show... Season 4 starts... alas, in January 08.
Caught the Series Premiere of Notes From The Underbelly last night. Cute, funny, sharp zippy dialog, very similar to Studio 60... With a touch of pathos, like the vintage thirtysomething, of the 90's.... My client, Rachael Harris, plays the semi-slutty divorce attorney, Cooper. It moves to Wednesdays next week... Lost is filling in a LOT of blanks, finally after 2 seasons of stringing us along.. I finally know what the Other's reason was for being on that damn island.. Pregnancy and cancer research. The King Of Queens is down to its final five episodes.. It never won the Emmy for best comedy, but it should have...

Rachael Harris, above.

Apr 11, 2007

Getting a New Windows Vista PC? De-CRAPIFY It

The PC De-Crapifier: Free software with a strange name that might make your life easier. Your mileage may vary, but it can save you a lot of time and effort when you are setting up a new PC or laptop. It blows out all the nonsense CRAP that is pre-installed when you first turn on your PC... It lets you pick and choose.... Who knows, you might actually want to KEEP the AOL....


Ever Driven Behind a 747?

Check out this clip...

Apr 10, 2007

Apr 7, 2007


Techbargains.com has a Lexmark COLOR LASER PRINTER for $362.50. from Next Warehouse.com
Rebate of $350 good thru June 30. = Final price: $12.95......................

Star Wars To Become A TV Show

Watch the 2 minute interview with George Lucas HERE.

Family TV

Steven started Spring Break today, and I wanted to make sure he had a decent show to watch, once in awhile... He loves Star Trek:The Next Generation, but that is on Spike (Mens TV) and every commercial break is filled with ads about making your package bigger than a horse, and lasting for 6 hours adult items. It's sick, putting ads like that on what is ostensibly a kids show. Luckily, a new channel, ION (DirecTV 255) has a couple of shows for someone HIS AGE... He's outgrowing cartoons... They have THE WONDER YEARS from 10-11 pm pacific time nightly, and GROWING PAINS, at some other time. Both shows were well written, funny MONSTER hits.... Good to see them finally back on the air.
Heroes returns April 23, too... And if you want to catch up on LOST conspiracy theories water cooler chat, read on.

Apr 6, 2007

Red Wine Research

I took a few days off from blogging because, well, nothing interesting crossed my screen. In the meantime, my main video editing Mac had what I thought was a fatal hard drive crash... So I found a Mac Mini on Craigslist that is more powerful than the system I've used for 9 years... (that's right.... I actually went 7 years using one computer!!!!.. that's gotta be a record..) The newer one, for $400 runs circles around the $3000 one I got in 98.... Steven has pulled straight A's for the past 3 months... There must be something in the water.... Have a Happy Easter...

Apr 2, 2007

Why I Get Riled Up About Global Warming

Transcript from a recent caller to the Dennis Prager Show:

Caller: I didn’t know if you realized how far this goofiness reached, but I have asthma, and I’m sure you’ve seen people with their little rescue inhalers. Right now, each inhaler is about $15 bucks. I don’t have insurance. I am an uninsured American. So it’s about $15 bucks. They are phasing out these particular inhalers because of these EPA rules, because the propellant that launches the medication down into my lungs is causing such a severe global hazard, that now my medication is going to triple in cost, because they have to use a new kind of propellant or accelerant, because of these new rules and regulations.

Dennis: I consider this to be one of the more important calls in the recent past. You do not realize how the poor will suffer, and I don’t mean Kevin is poor, though I suspect he’s not rich, given that he’s not insured. But you do not realize how…the Ted Turners won’t suffer, the Al Gores won’t suffer. But the middle class will suffer, and the poor, there’s a piece in the Wall Street Journal today about the poor paying more in Mexico for corn tortillas, because of all the ethanol now being extracted by corn, and corn is a staple. You know how idiotic that is? That he will have to triple his expenditure on his asthma inhaler? Do you know how nutty you have to be to believe that asthma inhalers are affecting the temperature of the Earth? The propellant is going into his lungs anyway.

It's this kinda B.S. that will hurt the poor in the world, while letting all the rich people feel better because at 'least they tried to stop global warming." Kyoto will cost 5 times more than the Iraq war and slow down temperature growth less than a tenth of a degree....

By the way, CO2 doesn't cause warming.... Warming Causes CO2......CO2 levels to go up AFTER warming has occurred.Al Gore is 180 .... uh... degrees ass backward on this one... And he knows it.

Another fun fact: 95% of the time in the last billion years, there were NO glaciers ANYWHERE on Earth? If we ignore Kyoto, the ocean will rise about 3.6 millimeters (the thickness of a nickel) this, and every year, for the next century, whether we drive Prius's or Hummers ..... For SMOG REDUCTION, Right On, Prius Drivers!!!

For GW reduction.... (as spoken by Tony Soprano) faget abat it....

If you stack up 1000 nickels, to represent THIS MILLENIUM, people in the year 3007 will have to deal with an ocean that rose 150 inches.. or 12.5 feet. Gore says 20 feet in 50 years.... hmmmmm..

Apr 1, 2007

Real Homes Of Genius

I've spent an hour this morning attempting to help Sona find a house for a very dicerning client. Stumbled upon this site.... AWESOME.