An artical in the Daily News called for suggestions, no matter how odd, on how to fix some of L.A.'s worst traffic situations...
How about these?
--- Make
Victory Blvd. a one way WESTBOUND St. with Van Owen a 1 way Eastbound. ($$$)
--- Install overhead pedestrian walkways at the corner of
Highland Ave. and Hollywood Blvd. (a la Las Vegas) Highland is virtually the only way out of Hollywood... and with the Kodak Theatre crowds...($$)
--- Extend
Reseda Blvd. south from the valley into Brentwood at Palisades Drive...($$$$$)
--- Straighten and widen the
2 freeway so it can actually get people from Pasadena to Acton in 40 minutes. ($$$$)
--- Creat a REAL
Mulholland Tunnel. Extend Barham Blvd. in Universal City under the hills, and connect to La Brea Ave. ($$$)
--- Synchronize some frakkin' lights. ($)
--- Extend the
91 Freeway WEST all the way to the 405, instead of just to the 110.
--- Build small
"pull out lanes" for ALL the BUS STOPS, so they are out of traffic while waiting on passengers. Right now, buses are just rolling miniature Sig alerts.
--- Tunnel under the existing
2 Freeway in Echo Park to build a REAL freeway connecting the 5 and 101. ($$$)
--- Build 2 additional "fly-over intersections" on
La Cienega, allowing it to continue all the way to the 10 Freeway, bypassing Rodeo, Jefferson and Adams Blvds. ($$$$$)
--- Allow all cars to use the
Diamond Lanes subject to this system:
If your license plate ends in:
0,1 Use it on Monday
2,3 Use it on Tuesday
4,5 Use it on Weds.
6,7 Use it on Thurs.
8,9 Use it on Fri.
(i.e. 1GRE546 solo driver can join the lucky ones in the HOV lane ONLY on Thursdays.)
--- Or we could just start shooting people that get in the way, or do other stupid things. Wait... we already tried that.